Self-Cleaning vs Manual Clean Oven

October 02, 2021


Bloggers and cooking enthusiasts alike have been debating the pros and cons of self-cleaning and manual clean oven. While they both have their unique features, the type of oven that you choose ultimately comes down to your lifestyle, cooking habits, and budget.

In this post, we'll explore the features of both self-cleaning and manual clean ovens, and we'll explain the differences between them. Plus, we'll help you decide what option suits you best.

Self-Cleaning Ovens

Self-cleaning ovens utilize high temperatures to break down food debris, making them easy to wipe away. You can manually activate the cleaning process at any time, and the oven usually takes two to four hours to complete the cleaning cycle.

Self-cleaning ovens save you valuable cleaning time and effort. Also, you don't need to put chemicals in them or spend time scrubbing the exterior surface, giving you a healthier home environment.

Types of Self-Cleaning Ovens

There are two types of self-cleaning ovens

  • Pyrolytic: Pyrolytic cycles are typical for high-end brands. This superheats an oven for a few hours. The food debris turns to ash, and you can quickly wipe it off afterward. However, this type of cleaning process generates smoke and an unpleasant odor.

  • Steam Cleaning: Steam cleaning uses the power of steam to clean the oven interior. This type of cleaning cycle is faster and less intense than pyrolytic cleaning. In this process, you only need to wipe the interior gently to remove the loosened dirt.

Manual Clean Ovens

Manual cleaning ovens are the conventional ovens without a self-cleaning feature. With these ovens, you are responsible for cleaning the interior and exterior manually.

Cleaning such an oven takes considerable effort, sometimes taking hours of your precious time. You have to apply a lot of elbow grease and use cleaning agents to get rid of tough stains. Not to mention getting down on your knees and risking your health by inhaling the chemicals used in the cleaning agents.


Self-cleaning ovens are more expensive than manual clean ovens. They are available in different price ranges, with the pyrolytic option being more expensive than steam cleaning.

In contrast, manual clean ovens are more affordable than self-cleaning ovens. They don't require a higher price tag to function.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of both self-cleaning and manual clean ovens.

Pros of Self-Cleaning Ovens

  • Saves time and effort
  • Doesn't need cleaning agents or chemicals
  • A healthier home environment

Cons of Self-Cleaning Ovens

  • Higher cost
  • Can be challenging to deal with smoke and unpleasant odor in pyrolytic models

Pros of Manual Clean Ovens

  • Cheaper than self-cleaning alternatives
  • More straightforward operation

Cons of Manual Clean Ovens

  • Consumes more time and effort
  • Risk of health concerns


In conclusion, self-cleaning ovens offer convenience and save you time, energy, and effort. However, they are more costly than manual clean ovens. With manual clean ovens, you need a lot of elbow grease and time to clean the interior and exterior.

Ultimately, both manual clean and self-cleaning ovens have their pros and cons. We hope we've provided the information you need to make an informed decision.

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